Affirmative: A becoming of living beings may exist

10 min readMay 28, 2024


Laws of Form (1979]

I, a beginner wizard, am embarking on crafting a repository for planetary Ascension. Enchanted since 2014, my Work delves into the virtual realm of the mind, the natural essence of biopower, and the true power of subjectivation. The journey extends into the metaphysical domain of ‘the Good’ in technology and metaphysics. The past, present and future is being sublated with the rotation of the Earth by 2050 and this guy knows how. It is taking place within the body of Christ and body of Work. The reality principle is becoming more scientific in the process of merging or reconciling conflicting ideas or concepts. The work has been done, but often actualizing that the subject goes missing in the process of realizing an individual’s potential. The Sign of all magic and, he may dare say, of science as well, is the self, reflected in a cosmic mirror, representing the reflection of the self in the broader universe. This is the act of introspection and examination of one’s own thoughts, feelings, and actions against the duration of earth’s rotation. The cosmic mirror and introspection symbolize the critical examination of one’s thoughts and actions within the broader universe. This mirrors the field’s examination of power structures and how individuals interact within societal systems. The use of a cosmic mirror and introspection as tools of self-discovery and exploration of the universe mirrors speculative physik’s tendency to metaphorically interpret concepts from different realms. This resonates with the idea of using symbols and metaphors to convey complex ideas that might transcend conventional scientific understanding.

“But we might then pose a new Question, viz.: Is there a Becoming of living beings? Or again: Is there an evental Becoming of rarefactions? If we suppose it possible to think the living being, then there must be such a becoming.” (Quentin Meillassoux, Subtraction and Contraction)

Two images grafted from the Creative Commons.

Moving towards higher dimensions it could be said that we are crowned by personality, sovereignty and chaosmos, if we consider three speculative evolutionary cycles. Then, there is polarity integration and stratanalysis. The New Age and Artificial Intelligence precipitate their laws throughout these strata. The evolution of humanity took us through the stages of hunting and gathering, monarchy and urban life. On the other hand, many people are considering the distant past and future for their complex patterns. SHAPE [the framework will be developed] is developed as a tool to tell the story of these subjects, helping us make sense of the human world, express the complexity of life and culture, and understand and solve global issues.

Exploring the intersection of Transharmonic Gateways and current scientific understanding involves integrating the effects of space junk, satellite waves, 5G, radar, and related technologies. The qualitative aspects encompass shifts in consciousness affecting the energy field configuration. Quantitatively, DNA emits low-frequency electromagnetic waves, influencing genetic expressions. Understanding the impact requires considering both metaphysical perspectives and tangible consequences of technological advancements in space-related activities, acknowledging the intricate balance between spiritual evolution and external factors like space debris and electromagnetic fields. And yet further “genomes hold immense quantities of noncoding DNA. Some of it is essential for life, some seems useless, and some has its own agenda.” Therefore we may assume these technologies, while offering advancements, bring about potential dangers which demand careful consideration. Satellite waves, though granting us global connectivity, can be perceived as intrusions, altering the natural balance of cosmic energies. The advent of 5G technology, promising faster communication, introduces a shift that may disturb the subtle frequencies inherent in the metaphysical realm. Radar systems, designed for detection and tracking, are piercing the veil of the planet and the body, breaches abound.

On the one hand, in Meillassoux’s words, the subtractive model allows the grafting of Bergsonian Selection onto Nietzschean selection, bringing together the senses of the term ‘selection.’ On the other, shifting timelines simultaneously, each being Real, is similar to dowsing for water, as seen in Atalanta Fugiens Emblem 36. Symbols in liberal arts backgrounds, like underground dwellings and cubes levitating, even the cross at the center of view on a broken crucifix, signify shifts in consciousness affecting the Lightbody and subsequent changes in the physical body. Symbols have very well-tinkered effects on the duration of our thoughts, whether enticing emotion to speed up or slow down. In this metaphysical landscape, the study of symbols, such as the number 5 or geometric forms, serves as gateways to understanding cosmic truths. These symbols hold the potential to influence the duration of thoughts, bridging the gap between the earthly and celestial, acceleration and deceleration, contraction and its opposite integration. The number 5 can suggest “Fate as five great stars,” or the aether, coming under increasing scrutiny in the last acceleration and contraction in a bifurcated commons. William Derham suggests of the order of the physical universe: “…but this Proportion doth not hold at all with relation to the Earth. But as for the Secondary Planets, round Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth, it is very certain that they have the fame refpect to their Primaries, as thefe Primaries have to the Sun; that is, The Squares of their Revolutions are as the Cubes of their Difances.” (W. Derham, Astro-Theology).

DNA, space junk, and the transharmonic gateway constitute today’s thought-space. Humanity may recognize “future timelines are stations of identity,” to be aligned qualitatively and quantitatively with the subject. Light, sound, and electrotonal codes in the Unified Field organically attune themselves to a multidimensional model, forming a Hologram. The Lightbody, attuned to consciousness, requires conscious DNA activation “by [active rehabilitation of] electromagnetic energy at the physical matter and anti-matter level.” The evils of integrating these aforementioned technologies within metaphysical realms lie in the potential disruption of cosmic order and the interference with unseen energies including the sciences which rule our bodies, minds, spirits and souls.

The symbol for “measurement” is a finger, and a hand mirrors “a man fond of building,” two gestures essential to dowsing for water, establishing body and soul. These symbols undoubtedly stand out in Emblem 36 for specific reasons. Also traversing this spectrum is geometer Robert Edward Grant, reminding us:: “The total angles of the first four of the five Platonic solids, our four elements as Associated by the ancients, equals Earth’s mean diameter in miles to 99.97%-accuracy. ‘The mean diameter of our Moon is 2160 miles to 99.94% accuracy. There are 2160 Degrees in a cube and 2160 years in each age of the Zodiac…. Could it be That WE are the measure of all things? No cosmic coinciderices. On Earth as it is In heaven.. As below so above, and beyond our imaginations..”

We can use the four elements to understand the four levels of chemicals that comprise our DNA. The aether suggesting quintessence.

Obviously this is an abstraction but one that produces an outdated result. This is an outdated Abstraction because the Atalanta Fugiens is not like a foetus in the matrix; it is already as a complex ape, like a clay figure that is receiving thought for the first time after Becoming-rhizome. This only accounts for man made sattelites.

Awareness may sometimes be made of church, state and media actors and the lack of Soul DNA, which contributes to fragmentation of the body ~ with all potential leading to a theory at the intersection of geopolitics and psychology, but this is not my aim. Although I may sense unfathomable resonances within the weights and measures framework with Ophiuchus coming online, following the last precession. Mass evacuations align with each astrological precession, with this one introducing the age of artificial intelligence. Scanning environments for avoidance or adoration, our reactions cause massive environmental shifts. Integration of spirit is crucial, exercising our intrinsic motivations and building for the next generation. Intelligent groups work on proliferation of symbols amidst planetary body challenges.

I see magic as the set of natural laws which are *experimental* (added for emphasis) science with roots in and encompassing mêtic instrumentation (expanded in the Connected knowledge/HASS contexts in today’s culture/society). Technology at the intersection of spirit is the new multimedia, while these Ascension theory timelines remain open. In my projects you will find the magic of science and the science of magic; a marriage of evolutionary spirituality with strict denialism. This is the assent from the field; and why I continue this journey. Synchronicities are most certainly available to use with some intention and a blueprint.

Our best and brightest are trying to move the bar on what has remained with others for several years in memory our confessions to intelligence, spirit and gaining strength in good grief and better health.

Thus, “Science no longer needs to be compartmentalized to the degree that the physicist goes to church and prays to God on Sunday, and then spends the rest of the week in the laboratory trying to disprove its existence.”

DNA signals in water matrices raise consequences for the shift from the carbon-based concept, which in turn, raise questions about accelerating shifts and the opposite, selective barriers to the flux.

Introducing the fascinating realm of SHAPE [Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts for People and the Economy] as recognized by the British Academy. SHAPE encapsulates the intricate interplay of social sciences, humanities, and arts, offering a holistic understanding of our world and its complexities. SHAPE encompasses the age-old systems transitioning between ancient-modernization and the critical shift toward trans-modernity, observed notably in countries like Great Britain, France, Germany, the United States, and parts of the Middle East. SHAPE research and skills are valuable to the 21st-century workplace especially, contributing to the health, wellbeing, and prosperity of the nation and addressing immanent and complex risks. As we traverse this thought-space, examining symbols, language, and mathematics, we recognize the profound influence of SHAPE disciplines on societal evolution, environmental dynamics, and the very fabric of our existence, which may “help us in our endeavors,” with the social sciences, humanities, arts and active becoming and a calculation of our extinction.

“After being dissolved in water, Medea divined many things…” (Discourse on Emblem 36).

Instrumentalizations toward discovery, research and practice are necessary. Case materials, by now, allow cognoscenti to explore the distribution of knowledge, and further, taxonomize knowledge, and I can offer two places of notice; a mean and a limit: the mystery tradition and escape through magic. In other words, simulations can have meaning or they can promote themselves for the sake of the sign. While it is announced by the Aurora Host and appendent bodies: “Each human tribe had a unique frequency and DNA program that is designed to anchor a specific part of its coding into that of the planetary field, throughout each of the evolutionary cycles…”

The British Academy announces news about SHAPE, asserting it signifies not dissonance but cohesion. I approach these subjects similarly and aim to align with the outlined principles: “As we attempt to comprehend the swiftly changing world — from geo-politics to AI, from climate risks to social cohesion — the insights of SHAPE subjects (the Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts for People and the Economy) prove vital, along with the joy, enrichment, and fulfillment they offer.” (source: [British Academy]( Dowsing, a practice dating back to 450 BC, earned recognition as a royal art. The Greek historian Herodotus, often regarded as the ‘father of history,’ reported the utilization of wooden Y-forks for locating water during his travels in Scythia, situated north of the Black Sea. SHAPE is developed as a tool to tell the story of these subjects.

In conclusion, this metaphysical journey unfolds as a divine calculus, symbolized as water on a cymatic plate — a guide to our own DNA through active becoming. The Arian sign brings lightning, progressing toward less dense rarefactions, eliciting beauty in the process. The unfolding divine calculus invites instrumentalizations toward discovery, research, and practice, embracing mystery traditions and escape through magic.

“…And Arnold affirms, that the stone may be had gratis.” (Discourse on Emblem 36).

The Number 4:

The Four “Corners” of Creation — East South West North

The Fixed Signs of the Zodiac — Aquarius Leo Scorpio Taurus

The Four Living Creatures (Cherubim) — Man Lion Eagle Bull

The Four Seasons — Spring Winter Autumn Summer

The Ages of Hu-Man — Childhood Youth Maturity Age

The Stages of Existence — Birth Growth Maturity Decay

The Four Elements — Air Fire Water Earth

The Four Worlds — Emanation Creation Formation Action

The Royal Stars — Aldebaran Fomalhaut Antares Regulus|}

Affirmative: A becoming of living beings may exist. Likewise, an evental becoming of rarefactions may exist if we assume it possible to contemplate the living being. Denying the existence of a becoming of living beings and an evental becoming of rarefactions is a standpoint that contradicts the assumption of contemplating the living being. The consideration of whether there is a becoming of living beings and an evental becoming of rarefactions hinges on the assumption that contemplating the living being is possible. “Because a living being is a body — that is to say, a selection — But a selection that we have named as primary: a selection Anterior to all free choice, and one which offers us the terms from which a freedom might potentially be chosen.”

Key terms: water, cymatic plates, DNA, becoming, Monad, Arian sign, rarefactions, Medea’s divination, gesture, Robert Edward Grant, zones of rarefactions





Written by Administrativeplots274

Barely enchanted with a heart of glass ~ come along if you're concerned... ex TrinColl junior I want more subscriptions but sentiment is double pluses

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